This tool checks a website’s source code to detect whether or not it will be considered responsive or mobile friendly by a search engine. It checks meta tags, stylesheets, and embedded styles. Please note that this is a best guess tool, and may not always be fully accurate.
How to Do a Mobile Friendly Test
If you are website owner, it is important to know how your site performs on mobile devices. With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, there is a huge demand for mobile friendly sites.
What is Mobile Friendly Testing
Mobile friendly testing is a way to see if your website meets Google’s standards for mobile-friendly websites. In other words, it’s a test that lets you know if your site is optimized for mobile devices and how well it performs on these devices.
The term “mobile friendly” can be confusing because it doesn’t mean the same thing as responsive design (which we’ll discuss in detail below), nor does it mean that your site will rank higher in search engines just because of this label. Mobile friendliness does have some positive effects on SEO rankings but not enough to make up for the lack of quality content or bad links pointing back at your site from other sites with poor reputations.
Why do a mobile friendly test?
- Mobile devices are the most popular way to browse the internet.
- Google uses a mobile-friendly test as a ranking factor for search results in their SERPs.
- It helps your users find what they’re looking for on your website, faster and easier than ever before!
- It also makes it easier for them to complete transactions or carry out other important tasks on your site (like filling out forms), which means they’ll be more likely to come back again later–and maybe even tell their friends about it!
How to do a mobile friendly test?
To test your website, you need to use a tool that can do it for you. Here’s a list of some of the most popular tools:
- Google PageSpeed Insights
- Pingdom Website Speed Test
- WebPagetest (requires registration)
If you want to do it quickly though, just use our free mobile-friendly test tool on this page!
Mobile Optimization vs Responsive Design
Mobile optimization and responsive design are two approaches to making websites more accessible for mobile users. Both techniques have their benefits and drawbacks, but it’s important to understand the difference between them before deciding which approach is right for your website.
- Mobile optimization involves building a separate version of your site that’s optimized for mobile devices (such as smartphones and tablets). This approach takes advantage of the fact that most people use smartphones when they browse on-the-go, so if you want a website that looks great across all devices–including desktops–you’re going to need two separate websites: one optimized for desktop browsers; another customized specifically for smaller screens (like those found on smartphones).
- Responsive design refers specifically to web pages whose layout responds automatically according to device type and screen size without requiring additional development work beyond basic HTML coding skills.
How to use our free mobile-friendly test
- Enter your website address above and click on the Submit button.
- Scroll down to see how you did!
- If your site does not pass the test, there are several things that can be done to fix it.
In conclusion, we recommend using our free mobile-friendly test to make sure your site is optimized for mobile devices. This will help you increase your online traffic and conversion rates by making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for on their phones or tablets.