Free Search Engine Crawlability Test

This tool allows you to test specific pages on your website to see if they can be crawled and indexed by the various search engines. It looks at rules defined in meta tags and the website’s robots.txt file.

How to Do a Crawlability Test

When it comes to SEO, crawlability is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot. But what exactly does it mean? Crawlability refers to how easily search engines can access your site and its content. If your site has poor crawlability, this means that it may not show up in search results as easily as other sites with better ranking potential.

What is crawlability?

Crawlability is a measure of how well your website can be crawled by search engines. It’s important for both SEO and user experience reasons, as it helps search engines index your site, understand its content and structure, and rank it accordingly in search results.

Crawlability is affected by the design and structure of your site as well as factors like page load speed, internal linking strategy (the way links are structured within a site), content length and quality — all things that can be optimized through good SEO practices like content marketing or technical optimization strategies like schema markup on pages with rich snippets

How to check your site’s crawlability

The first step to checking your site’s crawlability is to run a search query in Google. If you’re using our own free tool, simply enter the URL of the page you want to check, and then click “Submit”

If you prefer not to use our own tool and would like another option instead, there are many out there that can help with this process. One example is Google’s Fetch and Render tool. It allows users to see what their pages look like when they’re properly indexed by Googlebot (i.e., when they have been crawled). Another popular choice among webmasters is Screaming Frog SEO Spider–a powerful spidering software application designed specifically for SEO professionals that lets users crawl websites both manually or automatically.

Check your robots.txt file and your sitemap

When you’re running a crawlability test, it’s important to check your robots.txt file and sitemap. A robots.txt file is a text file that tells search engine robots (like Googlebot) what they should and shouldn’t crawl on your site. This can include pages, images and other content that you don’t want crawled by search engines (for example: login pages). It also tells them where they can find other important parts of your site like sitemaps or XML files with meta descriptions for each page.

A sitemap is an XML file used by search engines like Google to help them understand the structure of your website so they can better index it in their results pages because they know what kind of content exists on each page before crawling it – this allows them to prioritize which pages should be crawled first versus last when crawling multiple URLs at once which saves time when trying out different strategies!

Check for mobile friendliness

The first thing you should do is check your site’s mobile friendliness. You can do this by typing in the URL of your website in Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool, which will tell you if your site passes or fails. If it fails, there are a few things to consider before moving forward with testing:

  • Why does this matter? According to Forbes Magazine, 80% of users will leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load on their phone or tablet. That means if someone has been searching for information on their phone and finds yours doesn’t load quickly enough, they’ll likely go somewhere else–and never come back!
  • What can I do about it? If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices yet, there are ways to fix it without breaking the bank. First off all make sure that all images are compressed so they don’t take up too much space when loaded onto smaller screens; this will also speed up load times significantly since less content needs loading at once when images aren’t taking up so much space on screen size limits themselves.

Check for speed and performance

Another thing to check is your site’s speed and performance. There are a number of tools that can help you do this, including Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insights

Speed: How slow is too slow?

The answer depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your website. If all that matters is getting people on the page as quickly as possible, then any delay beyond 2 seconds will probably be noticeable enough for users to leave in frustration or anger–and before they’ve had time enough even realize what they were looking at! But if you have more content or functionality available once someone has landed on the page, then maybe 5 seconds isn’t so bad after all…

The important thing here is understanding how long visitors expect things like images and videos load before deciding whether or not something needs improving further down the line; there’s no point spending hours trying different optimization techniques if they won’t make any difference anyway!

How to use our free crawlability test

To use our free crawlability test, simply enter your website’s URL and click “Submit.” The results will tell you how well your site is crawlable and indexable in Google and Bing.

If you want even more information about what makes a good or bad result, please read on!


Crawlability is an important part of SEO, but it’s not the only thing that matters. In fact, there are many other factors besides meta tags and robots.txt that can affect your site’s crawlability and search engine rankings. For example, you should also make sure your site is mobile-friendly and loads fairly quickly.