This tool performs a Google search with the specified query and checks up to 200 results for the rank of your website. It will then show your website with the surrounding results, and will show a comparison of backlink and authority data for those results.
How To Do Keyword Competition Analysis
Keyword competition analysis is a key part of SEO. It allows you to see how hard it will be for you to rank for particular keywords, and which ones are worth your time. It’s also important because it helps you understand the strategies that other websites are using, which can give you ideas on how to improve your own site.
What is keyword competition analysis?
Keyword competition analysis is a way to find out how difficult it will be to rank for a particular keyword. This can be done through tools like SEMrush and others, but it’s important to know the level of competition a keyword has in order to decide if it’s worth pursuing.
A high level of competition means there are many websites vying for top positions on Google for that specific phrase, making it harder for you to get noticed by searchers or rank highly on search engines without an optimized page (and possibly even then). On the other hand, low levels of competition mean there are fewer and weaker websites trying to rank highly and gain traffic from that particular phrase–meaning less effort required from you!
How to do a keyword competition analysis
- Find the keywords you want to analyze.
- Find the competitors for those keywords.
- Use a keyword competition analysis tool or manually look at the search results and see what you can find out about them, such as:
- How much authority do those websites have?
- How strong is their backlink profile?
- How relevant is their content for the search phrase?
The most effective way to do keyword competitor analysis
The most effective way to do keyword competitor analysis is by using a keyword competition tool. These tools will help you find the best keywords for your business, and they’ll also give you more information about each one.
To use these tools properly, it’s important to understand what KCI stands for: Keyword Competition Index. This score is calculated based on two factors: search volume and competition (or difficulty). The higher the KCI score, the more difficult it will be to rank well in Google’s organic results without spending a lot of money on advertising or doing something else that gives you an advantage over other sites competing for that same spot on page 1 of Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages).
It’s important not only that we know how many people search for our target keywords but also who else is trying to rank highly under those queries–and what kind of resources are available if/when we decide we want them!
How to see how competitive your keywords are with the Keyword Competitiveness Index (KCI)
The Keyword Competitiveness Index (KCI) is a measure of how competitive a keyword is. The higher the KCI, the harder it will be to rank for that keyword. The lower your KCI, the easier it will be to rank for that keyword.
The KCI is based on two factors:
- How many other advertisers are bidding on a given search term
- How much they’re willing to pay per click from their ads
Using a competitor analysis tool allows you to choose the best keywords for your business.
A competitor analysis tool allows you to choose the best keywords for your business by giving you an idea of how competitive they are.
Knowing how competitive a keyword is can help you decide if it’s worth pursuing, because if the KCI (keyword competitiveness index) is high, then it’s going to be hard to rank for that term.
The KCI is calculated using two factors:
- Search volume – this represents how many people search for a given term on Google each month; the higher the number here, the more searches there are likely to be in total across all platforms (including Bing). It also gives us an idea of how popular our chosen topic might be among customers looking for products/services like ours; more people searching means more potential customers! However…
- Competition level – measures how many other websites currently occupy top positions on search engines like Google when someone searches for our chosen terms (or even similar ones). This includes both sites ranking first as well as those ranking second-fifth place down when someone uses their default settings (i.e., no filters applied). The higher number means greater competition–and therefore harder work required if we want our own website come up instead!
How to use our free keyword competition tool
We have a free keyword competition tool that can be used to analyze the strength of your competitors. Entering your website and keyword will give you an idea of how strong your competitor’s pages are, so you can better understand where they rank in Google’s search results and what kind of content they’re using.
To use our free tool:
- Enter your website URL into the field provided above (make sure it’s correct!)
- Select the most appropriate country
- Enter your chosen keyword
- Look through the list of top results, especially the PA (Page Authority)
- Compare your own website’s results with the competitors
In this article, we’ve covered how to do keyword competitor analysis and how it can help you choose the right keywords for your business. The most important thing is that you’re aware of the competition before jumping into any new project. This will save time and money in the long run by helping ensure that your website ranks well on search engines like Google or Bing!