Free Meta Tags Analyzer

This tool analyzes a webpage and shows its meta tags. It also indicates whether each tag is used by Google and Bing.

How to Do Meta Tag Analysis

In the SEO world, meta tags are one of the most critical components. They are small hidden tags that allow you to send important signals to search engines. If you’re new to meta tag analysis or want a refresher on this essential skill, this guide will help walk you through how to do it right. You’ll learn what they are and why they matter, plus some best practices for creating them yourself.

What are meta tags?

Meta tags are HTML tags that describe the content of your web page. They appear in the head section of the HTML code, and they’re used by search engines to understand what your page is about. They also help browsers display information about a page, like its title and description.

Meta tags should be updated regularly so you can tell if they’re working properly when it comes time for analysis or optimization work later on down the line!

Why do you need to analyze your meta tags?

Meta tags are the first thing a search engine sees, and they can help you improve your SEO. They’re also important for getting more traffic from organic search results.

Here’s what you need to know about meta tags:

  • Meta tag analysis is the process of looking at the content of your website’s pages, including both visible and invisible elements such as page titles or metadata descriptions.
  • This information helps you identify opportunities for improvement on each page so that it will rank higher in search results when people look up relevant keywords in Google Search or another search engine (like Bing).

How to do meta tag analysis?

Meta tag analysis is a simple process that you can do yourself. To get started, simply use our free meta tag analyzer tool to analyze your website’s current meta tags and check for errors in them.

  • Check for missing or duplicate meta tags: A lot of websites have duplicate or missing meta tags on their pages. This will be an easy fix once we’ve identified the issue!
  • Check for errors in your existing meta tags: Make sure all of your pages are using relevant keywords throughout their respective descriptions and titles so that Google knows exactly what they’re about when it comes to ranking them higher in search results.

How to Add Meta Tags

To add meta tags to your website, you’ll need to edit the header of your site. This can be done using a plugin like Yoast or manually by editing the code yourself. Once you’ve added them, make sure they’re all set up correctly:

  • Make sure that there is only one meta description tag per page; if there are multiple descriptions, some will be ignored by search engines.
  • Use only HTML characters (no special characters) in your keywords – otherwise they won’t show up correctly when visitors click on them!

Title Meta Tag

The Title Meta Tag is the most important meta tag. It should be short, relevant and descriptive. The ideal length of Title Meta Tags is between 70-80 characters. Your title should include keywords that you want your site to rank for in search engines like Google or Bing. You should also make sure that each page has its own unique title tag–don’t use the same title tag on every page!

Description Meta Tag

The description meta tag is used to describe the page. This can be useful for search engines, as it allows them to determine what your page is about and whether it’s relevant for a specific query.

It’s important to keep in mind that this tag isn’t used by Google or other search engines for indexing purposes–it’s purely informational so that users get a better idea of what they’ll find when they click on your link from their results pages.

Robots Meta Tag

The robots meta tag is a powerful tool that you can use to control how search engine spiders see your site. By using it, you can make sure that certain pages on your website are only crawled and indexed by bots when they’re ready for public consumption (or not at all).

This tells Google’s crawlers that they should index the page and follow links from it. You can also use “noindex” or “nofollow,” which will prevent those actions from occurring.

Language Meta Tag

The language meta tag tells search engines what language your site is written in. This is important for international sites, as Google can use this to determine which results are relevant to the searcher. It also helps Google figure out if your page is relevant for a particular country, so you’ll get more traffic from those locations.

The most common practice is to use “en” (English) or “es” (Spanish), but there are many other options available if you’re trying to reach specific markets.

How to use our free Meta Tag Analyzer

The first step is to enter your website URL into our free Meta Tag Analyzer.

To do this, simply click on the “Submit” button and wait for it to load. Once it’s done loading, you’ll see a report with all the meta tags included on your page.

A good analysis of meta tags is one of the best ways to improve your website’s SEO.

Meta tags tell search engines what your site is about, how it should be categorized, and whether or not it has been optimized for mobile devices.

They also help search engines understand the content of your pages and find them in the first place so that they can be indexed properly by Google (and other search engines).


If you’re looking to get started with meta tag analysis, it’s a good idea to start by familiarizing yourself with the different types of tags and how they can help your SEO efforts. The first step is choosing which tags are most relevant for your site and making sure they contain accurate information about what your business offers.

Next comes creating a list of keywords that describes what people might search for when looking for products or services similar to yours–these words should be included in both titles and descriptions so they show up prominently in Google search results when someone searches on one of them!

Finally, we recommend running through this process regularly so that any changes made by competitors won’t go unnoticed.