Free Top Ranking Keywords Checker

This tool uses to find a website’s most popular search queries in a small number of popular regions around the world. The following columns are displayed:

  • Rank – The average rank of the website in search results for the query.
  • Volume – The average monthly search volume for that query in the region.
  • CPC – The broad cost-per-click for advertising that query in the region if available. If no data is displayed in this column, then the keyword is not advertised enough in that region, or Google AdWords did not provide data for it during the last index.
  • Difficulty – An estimation of how difficult it is to rank for this keyword, on a scale from 0 to 100.
  • Clicks – An estimation of how many clicks your website receives from this keyword.
  • Homepages – The average number of top results for this keyword that point to a home page.

How To Do Keyword Rank Checking

It’s no secret that there are a lot of people on the internet. You must be aware of how competitive it might be if you want your content to be seen by anyone. It can be challenging to attract people to click through to a website in the first place, let alone convert them into customers or clients, given the number of websites vying for their attention.

But how can anyone ever find you if you’re not receiving clicks on your website because it doesn’t even appear on page one of Google (or any search engine)? We advise using a keyword rank checking tool like SEMRush or Ahrefs to determine where your site stands in relation to its rivals and other pertinent keywords. However, these tools aren’t free! Continue reading if you want a simple solution to this issue that will still provide your rank checker reliable results.

How does rank checking work?

Monitoring your website’s ranking in search engines is known as rank checking. It’s crucial to monitor your ranking because if it drops, you risk losing customers and visitors.

Let’s first look at what happens when someone searches for something on Google or another search engine in order to comprehend why rank checking is so crucial. Google gives results based on relevance and popularity after a user types in their query and browses through its index of websites (which includes all websites that have been crawled by its bots) (or merit).

How often should I check the ranks for my keywords? The amount of traffic you receive from organic search alone versus sponsored advertisements like Ads PPC campaigns or Facebook Ads PPC campaigns relies on how competitive your niche is.

Weekly might be sufficient for most businesses if the industry isn’t very competitive because there won’t typically be many significant changes occurring within such short periods of time anyway. If the industry is highly competitive, daily monitoring is probably best because there may be fluctuations caused by algorithm changes from Google or other search engines like Bing/Yahoo!, etc.

Reasons to Employ a Rank Checker

A crucial component of keyword research and SEO is keyword rank checking. Knowing whether your site is ranked for the keywords you want it to rank for will help you modify your strategy.

However, a quick decline in rankings may be a sign of a more serious issue, such as a penalty from a search engine or a technical SEO problem, which you need to address right away.

How to Do Manual Keyword Position Checking

  • Locate the website that you want to visit.
  • Locate the keyword you wish to look up.
  • Determine the search engine(s) to use based on the content type and keyword(s) you want to use (e.g., news articles vs. blogs)
  • Verify where your term appears in each search engine’s results

User instructions for our free website rank checker

To use our website rank checking tool, simply enter your website address and select the country you’d like to check from the drop-down menu. A list of the top keywords that are currently ranking for your website on Google’s search results page will be provided to you once you click the “Submit” button.


Checking keyword rankings is a crucial component of any SEO plan. In order to decide what has to be altered and where changes need to be made, it is crucial to evaluate how your keywords are doing.